
Friday, March 2, 2012

Fruit Smoothie

So …! I hear that some of you don’t know how to make a Smoothie! Ron’s the Smoothie maker in this house! I have no idea why he’s so insistent that he make one for me each morning, but he always serves it as I’m lounging in the bath. Aluminum-tongued devil that he is, he usually sits at the edge of the tub as I sip it. I’ll never understand men, or why any man would want to waste his time waiting for a woman to finish her breakfast beverage, but here’s his recipe!
Fruit Smoothie
1 c. French vanilla yogurt (my personal preference is for plain yogurt)
¼ c. orange juice (see Note)
1 c. sliced fresh or frozen strawberries
⅓ c. fresh or frozen blueberries
⅓ c. fresh or canned peaches 
1 banana
Add ingredients to blender goblet, mixing on high speed. Serves 2 generously.
Note: Substitute canned peach juice for orange juice if you must, but OJ is the healthier alternative.

Oh-so-good! The Smoothie was good, too. 

PS: Ron’s just told me why he waits as I sip. Now who’s the smoothie? 

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